Each narrative, as a combination of narrative chains, is made up of small components such as nouns, verbs, and words, so that the foundations and underpinnings of the narratives end in these elements in the shortest possible time. In linguistics we consider verbs to be dynamic, definable, and time-bound phenomena that represent the action of the actor, but in the narrative science the extraordinary power of the verbs and their frequency becomes apparent when we know each genre depending on the theme, theme, and theme of the actor. Accordingly, the present study seeks to illustrate the process of linking the color and hierarchy of verbs in psychological and horror narratives, and to map the process of action in such stories from situational verbs to achievements in a precise and calculated scientific course. The results of the present study show that in the psychological and horror narratives we see a regular hierarchy of verbs: situational, dynamic, accomplished and attainable, and this hierarchy is very closely related to the color of such narratives.
Main Subjects